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Looking to hire a coding tutor to help me, where should I look?


Here's an ad I made, I'm wondering where would be a good place to post it, craigslist maybe? I've taken two coding related courses. One at a place called the Salter School, another a local technical high school (which I was not able to finish) Here's my ad.

I am looking for a medical coding tutor with experience in medical coding with either an AHIMA CCS, or AACP CPC certification. I was part of a medical coding course designed to help me pass the AACP CPC exam which I was not able to finish, and need a tutor to help me fill in the gaps. I'd like someone that I'd be able to visit and work with, I'd come to you

We will be going over my coding work in the books I have. I will do the exercises and we will go through them individually thereafter, during our sessions. Most importantly are 3 things that the tutor must help me with

1. If I have an answer wrong, I need to know why it is wrong, and what I should have done differently/as well/instead

2. Identifying key weaknesses in my coding skills and exercises I can use to improve my skills for the exam. Basically, any time I don't understand something, do exercises to reinforce it.

3. Since an understanding of anatomy/physiology is required for coding, since causes, but not symptoms (if the cause is there as well as the symptoms) are coded. I need an evaluation to see if my current A&P skills are up the the job, or whether I'll need a refresher class. My previous teacher told us just to use google for it, which I was not happy with.

Ruth Sheets

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Have you tried the Blitz review videos? That might be just the ticket to improve your coding and test skills to the point where you can pass the CPC exam. Laureen gives tips in time management, and uses her Bubble and Highlighting technique to help you glean the pertinent info needed to pick the right answers. She offers explicit and comprehensive notes to write in your CPT manual so your memory is jogged to key on the differences in the codes so you can quickly choose the right answer. I used them myself. Blitz Review Videos

I don't want to discourage you from getting a tutor if you feel that is best for you, but the Blitz Review Videos may be more economical than paying for a tutor for multiple sessions and offers a systematic approach to learning the material needed. See our testimonial page.

Wishing you the best!


I've been thinking about the Blitz program, but does it include any actual practice questions? That is, ones you do BEFORE you take the practice exams? That's the real meat and potatoes of medical coding, if you get something wrong, understanding why it's wrong and what you should have done differently/as well/instead. That's how I think you'll really improve your coding skills.

I've just spent the last half hour trying to google practice books like this with answers- can you recommend any?

I understand there is an online/phone/skype/email coach, but it would really help just to have the book in front of me to show the other person at a table. If not. if they don't have the same book I'm looking at- I'd have to type out the whole question/report! Which would be quite tedious!

Alicia Scott

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The Blitz program does not come with a coach but it does come with a practice exam and every Thursday night from 7-to 8:30 central time there is a student/Blitz webinar I do with the students and Blitz customers. It is very casual. We go over questions that people are having at all levels.

Key to the Blitz is getting your manuals ready for the certification exam and tips on the guidelines. The practice exam has rationales with it. There is also a forum for Blitz customers to discuss questions that you get access to when you become a Blitz customer.

Hope this helps you.